Karl Monies’ foray into stoneware manifests through a range of vessels: a series of decorative lidded containers, jars, and pots adorned externally by multi-colored climbing rope and finished with oversized cork lids.
This publication is a curated look into the continuously exploration of the vessel by Karl Monies. A project started in early 2017 by the name ARCANA.
Of all design objects, the vessel is perhaps the most universal and timeless, a typology that has manifested in every culture since the dawn of humanity. Simply due to its age, this utilitarian object—intended for storage, protection, and preservation of goods—finds itself overloaded with mythological and symbolic meaning. Pre-Christian European fertility cults rendered their female gods as ritualistic vessels, while the Ancient Greek used vases as pictoral spaces for storytelling and history writing. In the Tarot, the 14th Arcana is Temperance, depicted as an androgynous angel pouring water between two vessels, symbolizing spiritual balance, restraint, moderation.
ARCANA by KARL MONIES in collaboration with ETAGE PROJECTS and IRONFLAG PUBLICATION. Design IRONFLAG Text Jeppe Ugelvig - Photography Robert Damisch - Retouch Nice touch - Production Søren Hørdum - Print Helbich - Typography Knuckle - Paper 2 x 350 gr. Arktika 1/s gloss - First edition of 350 copies 1-50 in orange and 51-350 in black - 64 pages. ISBN 978-87-995419-2-8.
Limited Edition 1-50 Orange and limited vessel stand only available via Etage Projects